+91-11-45201100 drjindal@rdgc.in
Building Better Health

Nycocard U Albumin

The NycoCard U-Albumin test is a 3-minute Point of Care test for the measurement of albumin in urine.
It is an important indicator of diabetes related complications.


Test specific information:
  • Measuring range: 5 - 200 mg/L
  • Assay time: 3 minutes
  • Measuring interval: 1 mg/L
  • Monoclonal antibodies to human albumin are used. No known interference from human urine components
  • Sample material: Human urine. Fresh, stored refrigerated for 14 days, or frozen.
  • Kit size: 24 tests
  • NycoCard U-Albumin Control: 2 levels, positive and negative.
Clinical use of NycoCard U-Albumin
  • First clinical sign of incipient diabetic nephropathy.
  • Strong predictor of other diabetes-related complications.
  • Strong predictor of cardiovascular disease in Type 1 diabetes.
  • Risk factor in essential hypertension.
  • Early marker of complications in diabetic pregnancy.
See the U-Albumin Test Procedure for information on how to run a test.


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