+91-11-45201100 drjindal@rdgc.in
Building Better Health

Destiny Plus

Destiny Plus™ – Medium Throughput Haemostasis Analyser
The demand for rapid, accurate patient results from today’s clinician requires a complete solution for the Haemostasis Laboratory. The Destiny Plus™ represents the ultimate in the fusion of technology and economy for coagulation automation in the mid to large-sized, routine or specialty laboratory.


The unique combination of key features includes:
  • Patented Ball Method Mechanical Testing technology.
  • STAT results on-demand in under three minutes.
  • IntuiTouch user-friendly software with integrated refl exive testing.
  • Comprehensive test menu including clotting, chromogenic and immunoassay analysis.
Mechanical Modes
Mechanical Measuring Modes
  • TRUE mechanical measuring mode, the "Gold standard" - developed and perfected by Amelung.
  • Reliable, accurate results on compromised samples - icteric, haemolytic, lipemic and medicated.
Optical Measuring Modes
  • Optical clot detection.
  • Chromogenic assays.
  • Immunoturbidimetric assays.
Easy of use
  • Primary tube sampling from 3mL to pediatric draw tubes; multiple sample dilutions – parallelism studies.
  • Reagent management by volumes and number of tests remaining; reagent expiration monitoring by label and on-board time; uninterrupted reagent refill.
  • Continuous loading of samples, reagents, consumables and unloading of liquid and solid waste: refi ll and empty without interruption of sample processing.
  • Ability to manage multiple reagent lots and multiple calibration curves.
  • Intuitive touch screen icon driven software.
  • Simple maintenance.
QC Features/Process Security
  • Absolute sample verification by liquid level sensing probe; level sensing of reagents.
  • Positive barcode identifi cation of samples and reagents.
  • Westgard Rules.
  • Levey-Jennings chart.
  • Real-time on-line log.
  • Maintenance log printout with operator ID tag.
  • Access to instrument status from every menuQC Features/Process Security.
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